Saturday 9 February 2013

Rape - A Different Kind

Rape affects everyone in one way or another. A persons sense of being robbed by someone not entitled is the epitome of crime that our society witnesses all to often. The answer to rape is usually imprisonment should the perpetrator get caught and rightfully so.

For me rape can take on a number of forms. Logging is a good analogy. "The loggers stripped the forest and left not one tree standing - essentially raping it". Such is the case in much of the world whereby resources are stripped from the planet at breakneck speeds. Rain forests, tar sands and ocean oil spills aside, there is another form of rape in society that is leaving scars on human beings at a scale that is unimaginable.

The rape of men.

For a number of decades men have been demonized by the ruling class. In a scheme so outlandish and preposterous, courts, aided by governments have unloaded an enslavement tool which can only be described as Draconian in nature. The Wiki for Draconian sums it up nicely:

Draconian is an adjective meaning great severity, that derives from Draco, an Athenian law scribe under whom small offences had heavy punishments (Draconian laws).

Any male that ends up before the court systems of the Western World quickly discovers how messed up and biased the system is against him. To deal with a collective Devil (courts, police, lawyers etc) such as this drains a man along with his sense of self. It leaves him abandoned and isolated to the point he sometimes kills himself or his eyes suddenly open and he has a eureka moment. If he should have a moment of clarity everything makes sense and he realizes that the cards were stacked against him all along. 

This male rape has ripple effects that permeate society; destroying all hope for a better tomorrow. Men are robbed from families by empowered feminists in tandem with courts and ripped to shreds with impunity. Many have had their children taken away. Financial devastation is the normal order of business. If the man is lucky he can avoid being jailed by Romper Room laws so ridiculous that I have to consider the mental status of people contriving the crap in the first place.

In France laws have been passed by government which prohibits men from getting paternal tests. The only way a man can get one is if the court orders it. Therein lies the key. Who invented such misandry and put it into law?  Again, the only way to get a paternity test in France is if it is ordered by a judge. These courts are backed up because the system wants them backed up. Why? Because it's money in the bank for judges, lawyers, clerks and so forth. The system keeps men in the system because that's what keeps all these burdens on society in business. How's that for a scam on a global level? It needs to stop. The men having to deal with this are every day citizens that DO contribute to society.

France paternity laws

Take a good look at the whole legal system. It contributes NOTHING. It rapes your pay and mine. Men and women paying to have their own lives ruined with outlandish taxes, laws and societal meltdown in effect making Chernobyl look like a campfire.

How then does a society of good men and women deal with a bigot of this magnitude? Pretending to have all the answers is not the purpose of this article. The main reason for writing is to get people thinking that something is wrong and it needs to be fixed before our whole society collapses and we have another Hitler/Jew situation on our hands. Think about it.

We are not that far from the edge.

Written by
Rob Mcshay

Friday 8 February 2013

Coal mines, fisherwomen and construction

The time has come to talk about equal rights in the workplace. Perhaps the title and first sentence give you a clue as to what the hamster is up to in my brain. If you are a feminist I suspect you have stopped reading already. That's okay because I think it's time you found yourself a new nail file anyway. Good luck finding one of those in a coalmine.

No Mary in this group

Jokes and jabs aside, let's have a look at equality in the workplace. When I walk into most government offices I meet with mostly arrogant females that think they own the world. Even more concerning to me is who taught these self-righteous bigots to think and act in this manner? I have never been interviewed for a government job but, I am thinking about changing my name to Susan, submit a resume and see how many calls I get. At the same time sending my own resume with the exact same credentials. I'm an evil mans like that.
Dear reader, I can see you grinning, whether you are male or female because we both know what I am saying is a reality and not figment of an overactive and paranoid male brain. Oddly enough, in Canada there is a trend to hire women over men for these cushy government jobs. 55% of public employees in Canada are women, 45% men. Most of these jobs involve sitting down all day long except to wobble to the photo copier for that ever important piece of paper. 

Since there is a larger number of women in government positions, it leads me to believe they would wield a lot of power during election time and during tenure of a sitting government. Ever wonder who dreams up all these silly little laws we hear about? Wonder no more, nail file in hand, little Tammy fem government employee has lots of time on her hands to dream them up. Why shouldn't she dream up new laws that will never affect her? It's not hard to figure out now who runs government and the top puppet, which is Stephen Harper in Canada. I have not seen US statistics on public employees but I would bet my next pay the rate is similar. So to all you glass ceiling jackals out their, time to come up with something new. Your buzzword got old a long time ago. Equal rights in the workplace will be achieved the day 50 female miners are trapped in a coal mine in Ying Yang province in china. When I hear of a fishing boat sinking with female fisherwomen (spell check only recognizes fishermen) then equal rights has been achieved. 

Equal is equal, not a little equal here or there. Equal across the board unless my teachers left something out in math class. Being male and having a logical thinking brain may invite criticism from the more nurturing feminist that wants to put all males to death. I asked a female government worker, what the ratio of females to males was in a particular office. She replied, "I can't give you that information, however I will tell you that there are more females because women are seen as playing a more 'nurturing' role in society". Really? Why is it when the numbers are added it appears that women run the government and justice system? Nurturing my ass.

I am sure many fems out there would want to feed me poison. Unlike the guy that took it in that funny little narrative, I would not. You see, this blog is here to enlighten and expose your asses for who you really are. I saw you the first day of school. I saw you the first day of college and the first day of work. I see you every single day of my life. The only place I have not seen you is on the North Atlantic ocean catching fish. It's about time you got your reality check and when the shit hits the fan its going to be a big one.

Good luck and if you need a hand filling your resume to suit a mining, construction or fishing job let me know. I will only be too glad to help you out with your 'equal rights'.  

Comments welcome

Written by
Rob Mcshay

Women for Women

The mission of this blog is to encourage men, women, boys and girls to stand up to tyranny in the face of a feminist regime and the few elite that support their cause. Without speaking up and action on the ground, men and boys will almost certainly end up in divorce, jails or an early death. There has never been a war in history, to my knowledge, that has had men and women as opposing enemies.
The disposable male is at the center of a witch-hunt so massive that it encircles the globe on a scale that has never been paralleled. He is indeed the target of population control. First hand, (to be discussed in future blog) I have witnessed manipulation by a collective tyrant so slimy it makes Saddam Hussein look like an angel and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran; a saint. There is no doubt in my mind, the real devil is among us. They know who they are and they know exactly what they are doing.
The plan to get rid of men has been in the works for a very long time. Many others think the second world war was the turning point with women leaving the household and becoming liberated with a paycheck. I know the rabbit hole goes deeper but, that is the subject of a far more intense and elaborate blog down the road. So who was the grand architect of this great plan to dispose of males? We cannot really point a finger and even if we could, would it do any good? Someone or some group with enough influence to infect the whole of the western world schemed and dreamed that in getting rid of the male he or she could cut down on the population and make a fortune in the process. We are witnessing population destruction by way of enslavement to advance the cause of a set of elite and it goes unchecked rampantly every single day in every community across the western world with a courthouse. Be that court family law or criminal doesn't mean a rat's ass. The scum at the top has been setting the stage to destroy a gender without challenge; until now. Men and good women are standing up and taking the fight back to the cowards, exposing them for what they really are. In doing this many more of our brothers and sisters are coming on board. They are not hard to convince once the lies have been laid bare.
I make no apologies for what I am about to say. This devastation of men in Western 'civilization' is nothing less than genocide. Killing someone whether slowly (jails, pills, 'therapy', courts, prisons) or quickly is murder no matter which way you slice it. Killing many people across a large swath of the planet equates to genocide. That is exactly what these Western "leaders" are doing to men.

Feminist and State controlled media influence a populace so oblivious to the big picture it is frightening. Hitler's propaganda minister was notorious for filling heads with lies. Then Hitler would mow down another country. Our snakes are doing it much more cunningly though. Instead of sending in tanks they send in the judge.

Women for women? For now, until more 'living space' is needed.

Okay, I am becoming nauseated thinking about this ... A cup of coffee is in order.

Written by
Rob Mcshay

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Discrimination against women? Really?

Many are oblivious to the reality that the Third World War is well under way. This war is not being fought between nations. This war is the one that has been dreamed up by a hierarchy so vile, evil and ugly, it has alluded public detection for a very long time. The Trojan Horse has entered the gates some time ago and we as a society are in trouble.
This is why ...
The war that has been created between men and women continues on its destructive path, advancing the battle field, dividing and conquering. Children are hurting the most; as is the case in most wars. Women are seemingly confused, vengeful and oblivious to the overall cost to them. Men are killed, demonized, humiliated, jailed, tortured and bankrupted. That friends, is the short list.
You see, when there is an opportunity for people to make money and they get a whiff, the nostrils of greed widen, like a bull pointed at the red. Our courts, the most powerful institutions in the world, (More powerful than governments - I dare to be challenged) have enlisted a scheme of man hate so profound that they now, in public view for all to see, strike down men at will.
Not so long ago this man hate in the court system was hidden from view. One by one, men were dragged before corrupt judiciary and dismantled. These men, would stand with jaws dropped, as they listened to the list of bullshit they had done and would have to put up with for the rest of their days, while the woman eyed his response with acute peripheral vision.  The amount of loss a man suffers when a woman suddenly figures her life could be better, if she kicked his ass out the door, suddenly brings her to vengeful orgasm so powerful that nothing can stop her. Let's face it, an orgasm is tough to stop midstream.
The problem for the woman is once she pushes her snowball off the mountain, not even she can stop it as it grows and gains momentum. The ears of corruption get pointy and the taste of money becomes overpowering. Glasses come out from cases and adorn noses equally as pointy.
Let's meet the Pointy's : judges, lawyers, police, therapists, doctors, jails, prisons, probation/parole, 'councilors', governments and children's services. The list that collects a paycheck through divorce is nauseating. The grand dollar figure on the cost of divorce for the last 50 years in the western world, if it were known and totaled, would pay off the US National Debt overnight.
Men walk away bewildered. How could this happen to me? The conversation with Joe at work who had gone through divorce comes to his mind. Wow, he thinks, they did it to both of us. Then as he wallows in depression, bankruptcy, loss of children and thoughts of suicide, the Pointy's redirect him back to the top for therapy so he can be fixed and continue being the good slave that he once was. Slave, hmmm he ponders. He has to ponder since postulating is only for the Pointy's . 
Looked upon by family and friends as a no good; the confusion mounts. Here take some of these the shrink suggests. "The little orange ones will do wonders for you ... you know ... balance you out ... ahmm ... fix you."

The result:
He  takes a rope into the garage and hangs himself.
He retrieves his cache of weapons and shoots up a school.
He sets himself on fire at the courthouse.
He kills his ex wife and kids
He makes a bomb and destroys a subway, building or airplane.
He shoots the pointy nosed prosecutor.
Have we as a society had enough of this shit yet?
Stop pretending we do not know what is wrong with men when they do these things.
Stop pretending we need to lock up more men.
Stop pretending we need to demonize men further.
Stop pretending YOU don't know what's wrong.
Stop your GREED!
The elite are looking for more 'living space' as Hitler called it. They are destroying boys and men to get it. Eventually when men are killed off they will start killing women as well. Feminism is a lose/lose situation for all.
Kiss your son good night mom, then come back and have a look at this video.


Feedback welcome

Written by
Rob Mcshay