Friday 8 February 2013

Women for Women

The mission of this blog is to encourage men, women, boys and girls to stand up to tyranny in the face of a feminist regime and the few elite that support their cause. Without speaking up and action on the ground, men and boys will almost certainly end up in divorce, jails or an early death. There has never been a war in history, to my knowledge, that has had men and women as opposing enemies.
The disposable male is at the center of a witch-hunt so massive that it encircles the globe on a scale that has never been paralleled. He is indeed the target of population control. First hand, (to be discussed in future blog) I have witnessed manipulation by a collective tyrant so slimy it makes Saddam Hussein look like an angel and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran; a saint. There is no doubt in my mind, the real devil is among us. They know who they are and they know exactly what they are doing.
The plan to get rid of men has been in the works for a very long time. Many others think the second world war was the turning point with women leaving the household and becoming liberated with a paycheck. I know the rabbit hole goes deeper but, that is the subject of a far more intense and elaborate blog down the road. So who was the grand architect of this great plan to dispose of males? We cannot really point a finger and even if we could, would it do any good? Someone or some group with enough influence to infect the whole of the western world schemed and dreamed that in getting rid of the male he or she could cut down on the population and make a fortune in the process. We are witnessing population destruction by way of enslavement to advance the cause of a set of elite and it goes unchecked rampantly every single day in every community across the western world with a courthouse. Be that court family law or criminal doesn't mean a rat's ass. The scum at the top has been setting the stage to destroy a gender without challenge; until now. Men and good women are standing up and taking the fight back to the cowards, exposing them for what they really are. In doing this many more of our brothers and sisters are coming on board. They are not hard to convince once the lies have been laid bare.
I make no apologies for what I am about to say. This devastation of men in Western 'civilization' is nothing less than genocide. Killing someone whether slowly (jails, pills, 'therapy', courts, prisons) or quickly is murder no matter which way you slice it. Killing many people across a large swath of the planet equates to genocide. That is exactly what these Western "leaders" are doing to men.

Feminist and State controlled media influence a populace so oblivious to the big picture it is frightening. Hitler's propaganda minister was notorious for filling heads with lies. Then Hitler would mow down another country. Our snakes are doing it much more cunningly though. Instead of sending in tanks they send in the judge.

Women for women? For now, until more 'living space' is needed.

Okay, I am becoming nauseated thinking about this ... A cup of coffee is in order.

Written by
Rob Mcshay

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