Friday 8 February 2013

Coal mines, fisherwomen and construction

The time has come to talk about equal rights in the workplace. Perhaps the title and first sentence give you a clue as to what the hamster is up to in my brain. If you are a feminist I suspect you have stopped reading already. That's okay because I think it's time you found yourself a new nail file anyway. Good luck finding one of those in a coalmine.

No Mary in this group

Jokes and jabs aside, let's have a look at equality in the workplace. When I walk into most government offices I meet with mostly arrogant females that think they own the world. Even more concerning to me is who taught these self-righteous bigots to think and act in this manner? I have never been interviewed for a government job but, I am thinking about changing my name to Susan, submit a resume and see how many calls I get. At the same time sending my own resume with the exact same credentials. I'm an evil mans like that.
Dear reader, I can see you grinning, whether you are male or female because we both know what I am saying is a reality and not figment of an overactive and paranoid male brain. Oddly enough, in Canada there is a trend to hire women over men for these cushy government jobs. 55% of public employees in Canada are women, 45% men. Most of these jobs involve sitting down all day long except to wobble to the photo copier for that ever important piece of paper. 

Since there is a larger number of women in government positions, it leads me to believe they would wield a lot of power during election time and during tenure of a sitting government. Ever wonder who dreams up all these silly little laws we hear about? Wonder no more, nail file in hand, little Tammy fem government employee has lots of time on her hands to dream them up. Why shouldn't she dream up new laws that will never affect her? It's not hard to figure out now who runs government and the top puppet, which is Stephen Harper in Canada. I have not seen US statistics on public employees but I would bet my next pay the rate is similar. So to all you glass ceiling jackals out their, time to come up with something new. Your buzzword got old a long time ago. Equal rights in the workplace will be achieved the day 50 female miners are trapped in a coal mine in Ying Yang province in china. When I hear of a fishing boat sinking with female fisherwomen (spell check only recognizes fishermen) then equal rights has been achieved. 

Equal is equal, not a little equal here or there. Equal across the board unless my teachers left something out in math class. Being male and having a logical thinking brain may invite criticism from the more nurturing feminist that wants to put all males to death. I asked a female government worker, what the ratio of females to males was in a particular office. She replied, "I can't give you that information, however I will tell you that there are more females because women are seen as playing a more 'nurturing' role in society". Really? Why is it when the numbers are added it appears that women run the government and justice system? Nurturing my ass.

I am sure many fems out there would want to feed me poison. Unlike the guy that took it in that funny little narrative, I would not. You see, this blog is here to enlighten and expose your asses for who you really are. I saw you the first day of school. I saw you the first day of college and the first day of work. I see you every single day of my life. The only place I have not seen you is on the North Atlantic ocean catching fish. It's about time you got your reality check and when the shit hits the fan its going to be a big one.

Good luck and if you need a hand filling your resume to suit a mining, construction or fishing job let me know. I will only be too glad to help you out with your 'equal rights'.  

Comments welcome

Written by
Rob Mcshay

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